Installation views: “Heimatfremd”, Kunstraum Liska, Leipzig
5 light boxes, Backlite-Print / 80 x 45 cm / 2013
When searching for image information on the Internet, all results are listed in order of importance in relation to their keywords. Page by page, one-dimensional tableaus are formed, in which images are placed next to each other, detached from their temporal and spatial classification. They suggest a common level of meaning and subordinate themselves to a state of perpetual presence. Vacation memories, advertising campaigns, conflicts in supposed crisis areas, global and local developments of an economic, political, or sociological nature can no longer be read in a visually differentiated way.
In the series "escape the landscape" five different tableaus stand side by side. On an originally painted and again reproduced stage, fragmentary photographic information of the most diverse origin and subject matter is assembled. The stages are familiar to all of us and remind us of a kitschy and romanticized ideal of a landscape, which is broken up by the elements of photography used and transferred into a fantasy world; an associative image memory.