Humboldt Forum, Berlin 2023
Draft, art-in-architecture, Humboldt Forum Berlin, draft / 2024
The Humboldt Forum, whose outer shell functions as a detailed reconstruction of the Berlin Palace, symbolises an idealised memory of the Prussian monarchy and the German Empire. However, the reconstruction neglects the complex, often painful history of the site.
The artistic intervention ‘Re*Re*Re*Construction’ aims to make the suppressed historical layers of the site visible on the façade of the Humboldt Forum. Several so-called model façades will be placed on a 1:1 scale in front of the reconstructed façade of the Berlin Palace. The model façades are reconstructed fragments of the various architectures that have stood on this site and their conditions (e.g. wartime destruction). Executed in black and white, they are intended to achieve a sober, comparable aesthetic that marks the historical breaks. As fragments of the past, the model façades bring the various historical epochs that have characterised the castle and its location into the present. Reconstruction is thus to be used as an artistic method to reveal the concealed layers.